Over the past 18 months, P!nk has performed 128 shows. Those live dates include a span of three separate tours, from her Summer Carnival Tour which took place in stadiums, to the Trustfall Tour and P!nk Live shows that filled arenas around the world. On November 20, P!nk brought her sprawling live run to a triumphant close in Columbia, South Carolina, capping off a wildly successful year and half of touring. Altogether, P!nk earned $693.8 million and sold more than 4.8 million tickets, according to Billboard Boxscore figures. Her nine shows between October 1-18 made her the biggest touring act of the month, as the three-time Grammy winning pop sensation grossed $44.2 million and sold 254,000 tickets in October alone. And even though P!nk’s tour is finished, her nine additional shows in November makes her eligible for one last monthly chart in 2024 when the November Top Tours report is published next month. (Billboard)
P!nk Finishes Up Her 2023-2024 Tour, Grossing Nearly $700 Million

Over the past 18 months, P!nk has performed 128 shows. Those live dates include a span of three separate tours, from her Summer Carnival Tour which took place in stadiums, to the Trustfall Tour and P!nk Live shows that filled arenas around the world. On November 20, P!nk brought her sprawling live run to a…